professor who predicted tsunami predicts another n, page-43

  1. 33 Posts.
    re: how to get rid of jw's... tradeforprofit an interesting response to jw's ... would have love to have seen it . Trouble with jw's they'll come back another day , your response throws them for a while but they just send out another 2 self styled martyrs . had problems a few years ago with them they targeted my wife after I went out . I dealt with them by taking them to task on the scriptures beat them hands down. Used an authorised King James version of the bible , never was bothered by them again . I was black listed by them never to be visited again , what a pity had fun seeing them squirm . You can do all manner of things to them they just find a way to target you or your family . They do play mean ie use legal tactis or call the police , thats all happened to me they even demanded I cut my grass as it was 6 ft high encroaching on their garden beds (unfortunately i lived next door to their church once) they called the police out on that one , obviously they had some sway with some of the boys in blue... BE AWARE they do play dirty whether your in the organisation or out of it if you get in their way...any problems use a King James Bible and look them straight in the does work....
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