Shots fired at Trump rally, page-1645

  1. 18,450 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 187
    @gumUnderfoot - it would be interesting to see if there is a history about all of the known 'assassins of important persons' - I know of a few who would qualify, if they were - say a domestic animal species - would be called inferior and 'runts'.
    However, being humans we would qualify their physical inadequacies with a psychological profile, which would include 'a need to be noticed', 'a need to do something powerful' 'a need for revenge on blind fate, which condemned them to sickness, poverty, ignominy' 'psychological problems etc. etc. just a few such cases are known, for example the young assassin Gavrilo Princip, who shot Franz Ferdinand and his wife at Sarajevo and thus was part of the cause for WWI, was a sickly youth, suffering from being from a very poor family and afflicted with pulmonary disease, which eventually killed him.
    Before that an Italian Luigi Lucheni assassinated Empress Elizabeth by stabbing her with a sharpened file whilst she was taking a walk with her lady-in-waiting around lake Geneva - he was the son of an Italian migrant, however, he had grown up in orphanages in Paris, was a casual soldier for a while and then worked as an itinerant labourer for the aristocracy, which made him hate the aristocracy. After the deed the French authorities imprisoned him, but he was a difficult prisoner and suicided a few years later. His head is still in some medical collection in Vienna, having - prior to that - been part of a public collection in which the public showed such morbid curiosity that the Austrian authorities decided 'enough is enough' and just kept it in a medical facility.
    And what about the guy who supposedly shot Kennedy? Lee-Harvey Oswald was an outsider, with peculiar political convictions, an inability to get on in life etc. - eventually he most likely became the fall-guy for a much larger conspiracy.
    Assassins are rarely well-adjusted human beings, and difficult times seem to produce more ill-at-ease men in particular, though there was one female assassin, Charlotte Corday, who stabbed French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat to death in his bathtub. She later claimed, "I killed one man to save 100,000." She was executed by guillotine.
    So: a hazard which is only going to get worse and eventually drives such people to extreme political parties and - in extreme cases: violent acts.
    Just IMO

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