fires lit at immigration detention centre, page-4

  1. 11,213 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Yep,rent-a-crowd are always there to incite,and the media are there to give their one-eyed view.Always the supporters are heard,but never the average person who is footing the bills here.

    Suicide is unfortunate,but it is not limited to detainees.Our farmers have a suicide rate 50% higher than the rest of society,our lawyers,dentists,police officers,doctors,ambos and nurses also have rates higher than average - common denominator is that all these jobs are stressful.A comparison of suicide rates between detainees and other groups would be newsworthy if it was such a problem,but our media are mute when it comes to "fair and balanced reporting".

    In regards to the insulation debacle this has cost a gobsmacking $330,000 for each house that received batts (as per radio commentator) and yet it has sent the majority of insulation businesses broke since it was canned.Have the Chinese who supplied the faulty batts had to compensate these people at all,who knows,haven't heard the media on this one......

    It is beyond me how people can continue to remain "true believers" in the ALP. Why is it that known Fabians such as Whitlam,Hawke,Keating,and now Gillard even call themselves Labor politicians is reprehensible.The Fabians are working towards a single world government where a few aim to wield a totalitarian big brother stick over the rest.Beware of the term Sustainable Development,so popular recently in media parlance,sounds warm and fuzzy,but in the end it boils down to loss of freedoms for the common man.Also the resurgence of eugenics is frightening,especially in regards to the "debate" over the right to euthanasia...combine that with environmental extremism and beliefs about an ever increasing human population.Extermination and death camps occurred most recently in Cambodia and some of the perpetrators are still alive,so how short is the human memory.The "elite"/PTB are aiming for a total human population of half a billion and no more.It would seem that these reptiles are aiming to put the world's people through hell in order to attain their own selfish dreams of Utopia.

    Julia and company are doing an excellent job in destroying what was once the Australian culture and at the same time doing their best to sell-off any assets that used to belong to the nation,or to run up so much debt,that all will eventually be sold off.Serfs in our own land.
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