Take a Paws, page-35455

  1. 22,718 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 266
    Morning, it's Wednesday.

    Markets are red after some Tech results.

    Aussie inflation numbers today and i think the BoJ has a decision to make.

    Some more Gold for Oz in Olympics, we're doing ok.

    Consumer confidence up a little in US.

    BHP warns on Albo's brain fart made in Australia fantasy, says you can't make in Australia with policies that increase costs on business through over-regulation, unproductive workplace laws and uncompetitive tax rates, BHP boss man correct too on this imo. IMO, If you want made in Australia then you have to reduce costs on businesses and if you want to keep these very high wages we have then you going to have to cut taxes and regulations a lot, cheap energy policy unlike what we have would also help.

    Triathalon Olympics race/event in doubt due to river pollution, the fake news blames it on climate change but it's really the ancient infrastructure which wasn't built for such a massive surge in population which we see throughout Europe, heaps more sewerage than they use to have and can you believe they still let companies pour waste into the river which seems a bit ridiculous in this day and age, they've been trying to fix it for over a decade or at least have been pretending to so it's not a new problem or one that couldn't be forecast but many will fall for the climate narrative.

    REX finished.

    Hows our housing numbers going? Another failed plan?

    Israel strikes Beruit.

    "An octogenarian heir to the Hermès luxury fortune, who sparked controversy last year over a plan to leave his money to his gardener, may not have much to give away after all." in the A FR.
    He was going to give 20 bil to his gardener and now doesn't seen to have any billions at all!
    The poor gardener!

    Cold here, 10C Brrr. Bay looks good for barefoot skiing, would be cold though.

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