Harris - Walz, page-3081

  1. 25,187 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    Ah ok - so you are selective about your "reputable" sources and therefore it is all truth.........

    On the abortion ranting I posted a direct source from the QLD Government which hersuit lied about.

    we the rest of us are wrong and making things up.......

    hersuit was an outright lying pos

    in the eyes of yourself anyways.......have I got that right?

    In the case of the lying pos, yes!

    And you don't understand the irony of your befuddled and deluded belief.........

    In your tiny bubble brain perhaps. Are you saying the QLD Government that shows hersuit to be a lying pos isn't a reputable source? Really?

    Your stance and your childish arguments and retorts to the many on here who regularly call you out.......

    The likes of you from your core being of deception?
    That has a bubble that makes up things and adds conspiracies?

    well that let's all of us normal folks

    Normal is not what you are. You're by your own admission bredred, a far right nutjob that blows your bubble up with conspiracies and lies and project your own image on to others.

    that you are simply a TDS afflicted soul who surfs the internet looking for scraps to support your skewed views - you don't have to look too far given MSM works with the Democrats

    Here is the QLD legislation that isn't MSM for your conspiracy projecting bubble brain to digest:


    As for X, formerly Twitter.........I am enjoying seeing you join the ranks of other TDS afflicted souls in denouncing it.

    Hey bubble brain projecting, I never denounced twitter. I stipulated that Musk by his own court documents (a reputable source) acknowledges there are millions of fake accounts which include Russian and Chinese bots.
    You really should expand that tiny conspiracy projecting bubble.

    I have no interest in it nor an account on it BUT I did take note of Musk when he posted the results of his Harris / Trump poll........

    If you bubble was a bit bigger, it just might fit in Musk's own court filings. But as you admitt, you have no interest in expanding that tiny projecting conspiracy bubble.

    it is the only truly significant and accurate one to date I suspect.......

    You suspect ha ha!

    It's a global poll with many fake accounts and bots where only some of those who partook are actually eligible to vote.
    How you can't figure this out after so many others pointing it out in this thread is astounding.
    No it isn't. You are you and well as you keep exhibiting, are relatively clueless.

    tough for you hey

    Only in your conspiracy projecting bubble brain.

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