Plibothingy says mine can go ahead, page-24

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    Some more background...

    “The reason I’ve made that determination is because the Wiradjuri traditional owners have told me the area is significant to them.”

    Under section 10 of the Aboriginal Heritage and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act, the minister may make a declaration to protect an area if they are satisfied it is a significant Aboriginal area and is under threat of injury or desecration.

    Section 10 declarations are extremely rare.

    The last to be made was by the former environment minister, Sussan Ley, who accepted an application, also made by the Wiradyuri Traditional Owners Central West Aboriginal Corporation, to protect a sacred site on Bathurst’s Mount Panorama/Wahluu from a go-kart track.

    Plibersek has rejected some section 10 applications, including one to protect Darwin’s Lee Point/Binybara from a defence housing development earlier this year.

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