who owns the fed?, page-3

  1. 10,759 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    Q. So just who does own the world's most powerful central bank - the Federal Reserve?

    A. The Fed pays its dividends to its owners - member banks which are privately owned. If the Fed was government owned then the government would receive the dividends. So the Fed is privately owned by America's private banks and its dividends accrue to the benefit of private individuals (bank shareholders). So contrary to popular belief, the Fed is not owned by the US government. Therefore the taxpaying voting public do not benefit from the Fed - the powerful and privileged elite who own bank stocks do.

    Just check any US telephone book for the proof. The listing for the Federal Reserve is only found in the 'white' pages which is for private and commercial activities and not in the 'blue' pages which lists all Federal, State, County and Municipal Government agencies.

    So it makes sense that the actions of the Fed are not for the benefit of the public, as everyone assumes, but for the benefit of its owners - private US banks and its shareholders. Now we're starting to peel the onion... (and it's making me tear up already :)

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