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    "Tower of Babel"

    Another direction now as we have to agree to disagree on the other matters.

    I see the key message re Babel -> communications blackout so to speak and Yes, that is related to Words coming out of their mouths.

    Bible -> Nothing new under the sun, what was will be eek.png

    And God was/is the Word -> deemed as Word, Word God -> Image -> Word Man.
    Become born again -> Become a Word of God, deemed as.
    Your expressed words are simply your person expressed and for communications etc, you are your word and the overall Bible centers around this theme = Word, Words.
    You -> Word = Door -> House -> Head = Yours, the storage bank of the living soul, the brain being the Pilot.

    Babel, to get into the heavens -> us words into the heavens, with wings via the net creating all sorts and a good example there, look no further to the words of Trump, expressing himself forth tongue.png planting seeds (words) left right and center and the results for people = say no more lol.

    Man = 6 and image = 666 -> Computers etc, the smarter image of man, producing words to entice, lead astray etc LOL.

    Lo & Behold -> Rev 18:2 - And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen (net), and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, (ie Trump in prison, can't get his words out there, no net lol) and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!
    (Net lock down, jammed - in prison lol)
    18:3 - For all the nations have drunk of the wine (words) of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her (lies), and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.” (stock market, trade etc, etc).

    And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins (lies, deception), and lest you receive of her plagues.
    For her sins (lies, deception) have reached to heaven (airways), and God has remembered her iniquities.

    Mark of the beast, righthand forehead = computers ? (Commandments were to be a mark in the forehead and righthand).

    Wotcha reckon of that possibility ? smile.png

    Now before you toss it in the Bin, Jesus came to show the Father, one of his missions and says if you have seen me, you have seen (perceived) the Father.
    He was raised by the Father in the Fathers words and had them without measure, so when he expressed them out, he became the express image of the Fathers Person -> WORD, The Word Heb 1:3 KJV, (glory and light there being related to the word of God).
    In John 14:10 Jesus there shows, that by hearing the Fathers words coming from him, is deemed as seeing (perceiving - Inter) the Father.

    All that you know about Kam's prophet is by Words expressed from him, himself expressed forth.
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