Hunter pleads GUILTY! Clever little buggers., page-5

  1. 19,729 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 127
    Talking points?

    The truth...just because Russia wanted them pushed doesn't mean the posters wouldnt have posted the same stuff. They were already posting the same stuff bt were getting paid for it.

    You can't be that dense.

    And yes...once again you guys the dems... the left... show the way on how to cheat and steal and get a pass guts ARE the champs at that. Below the surface, there were always moves afoot to ensure somehow the evidence of the Bidens corruption never saw the light of day. Pleading guilty does just that.

    And btw...if the money was legit...why lie on your tax returns? The evidence would have shown where the money came from and we all know JB's influence was what was being bought and paid for. Fistry years of the grift made him and his family experts athte game of hide and seek.

    Eejoy it while it lasts cause come Jan 25...the broom will sweep many to jail...with a little bit of luck
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