Billions to help rip families apart., page-171

  1. 18,996 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    every human experiences events differently. There are numerous reasons for that and science which I can explain if you wish so what one experiences as an unjust accusation the other may see differently. Sometimes there is demonstrable evidence and sometimes not. By the time something makes it to family court emotions are heightened but a good judge can distinguish false accusations from fact.

    I think the trouble is that judges bring their own prejudices with them. in my own case despite many many years of way about normal earnIngs and that including many years prior yo my ex appearing on the scene, the judge commented in his judgment that he couldn’t reconcile that with my state in the court room. It apparently didn’t occur to them that the mental state I was in might just have been indicative of something going on. How does a competent, senior executive turn into a blubbering mess.

    but I don’t blame the judge more generally because his job was to consider evidence and he did that no matter his irrelevant and stupid comment (my opinion)

    I just don’t see how you can remove some of this softer stuff. The tools available for assessing veracity are limited and for evaluating personality flawed. But the judge needs to do the best they can

    for guess they you, like me, have been hurt and damaged by this process and that’s an awful thing to experience

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