" I hate pollution with a passion and I am all in favour of net zero but having had a friend who survived on home dialysis for years, clients who were amputees and needed to avoid over hearing at their stump site to prevent ulcers and having read many stories about elderly people becoming unwell because they could not keep warm in winter or cool in summer the frantic rush by our politicians seems incredibly irresponsible. "
So you are passionate about the welfare of ill people who rely on the power at home for life support .
Last weekend we had a major storm front pass through Victoria . Through Melbourne and particularly central Gippsland . l have friends in that area . ln Drouin, a major town of thousands of people , the power was off for 2.5 days due to main power line damage .
2.5 days !
lmagine if you had to rely on home dialysis ?
With home solar and battery storage you're covered. With an ev that has V2L capability, you can power a house for days.
Apart from renewables enabling the world to reduce co2 emissions , it also creates a much more reliable grid because the generation is widely distributed rather than concentrated . lt also means that we have energy stored locally and available at a milliseconds notice .
As to leading the way , it is because of the actions of countries like Australia that others have followed . China is the worlds largest emitter . lt's co2 emissions are peaking now and are expected to start falling over the next few years . All because of renewables . lt is because of the industrialization of renewables that emerging countries are able to bypass fossil fuels on their way to electrification.
All around the world amazing renewable technologies are widely available . All because years ago brave countries like Australia decided they want a cleaner healthier world .