Finally an admission, page-4

  1. 88,222 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    ''Its getting hotter, we will adapt. ''

    simplistic words - with far greater meaning than you're little downplaying

    yes - it's getting hotter.

    there's a bit of detail that needs looking at. ----------- It's getting much hotter - quicker than at any time in the past -------------- that makes it a bit different.

    We will adapt ------------------- yes, we will - but, adapting to a rapidly rising planetary temperature is not going to be the same deal as previous times in human history -


    stone age man didn't have to shift mega cities with highways, railway lines, computer networks, gas lines, electricity grids

    it has taken hundreds of years to build mega cities ----------- imagine if we have to shift them within decades

    or is that too much of a mental stretch for you?
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