Chinese Economic demise..Wishful US Thinking?, page-109

  1. 22,978 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    IMO most Aussies believe that over the longer term
    that economics trump politics/ideology and perhaps
    that's why we fear China.

    The question is: "Is that fear realistic"?

    IMO no at this stage.

    IMO we interpret (spun by the USA) that China has
    aressive intentions of replacing the USA as the global
    hegemon and that if it is successful, then it will
    take over Aus and enslave us.

    IMO China's primary/immediate intention is to firewall itself
    from US dominance/agression whether that be economic
    or militarily and the rest are sideshows

    I seem to think that Keating is right in that
    China owns Taiwan and as such,
    Taiwan is none of our business.

    China's current economic programs seem to be
    either trade defensive (BRI, artificial islands ,
    Red Sea security & alternative supply/distribution
    routes should the US block the Straits of Molacca)
    and its "Made in China 2025"
    is simply to do a Japanese of the 1970s-80s..
    ie: improve quality rather than quantity & to
    develop hi-tech & space tech.

    So where should Aus be at in its relations with
    China (the rising power) and the USA (the global hedgemon?

    I have an economic bias, so IMO we should be a bit
    more neutral while keeping our powder dry.

    PS: That said we should :
    (a) gradually diversify trade (its unhealthy to have a
    single trade partner (China) commanding over 30% of our imports & exports
    -----too many eggs in the one basket.
    (b) Develop better trade relations with our neighbours (particularly Indonesia & India)#

    (c) Change our armed forces to be primarily defensive rather
    than being an overseas expeditionary force.

    (d) Set up Special Economic Zones rather than an a one size
    . firts all industrial policy.

    (e) support our AUD with Gold by levying a 10% tax on all
    . Aus Gold production (currently tax free) payable in ingots.
    . It was a mistake to sell
    . our Gold Reserves at less than $300/oz in the late 90s
    . given that China is our chief raw natural resources buyer and
    . given that we have declared China as our # 1 enemy
    . and that we have outlawed its BRI , therefore we have to expect that China
    . will drop Aus as a preferred supplier of IO, Met Coal
    . and LNG which, given that AUD is a commodity currency,
    will nkock the ass out of its value and religate it to the
    status of a South Pacific Peso...hence the need for
    . Gold backing.

    # Indonesia has a populatuon of 10 times that of Australia,
    . an emerging economy with a GDP growth rate of over
    . twice that of Aus. And of course India with a population of 1.4 Billion
    is a non-brainer. That said, our "unhealthy" relationship with
    the USA may be an impediment to developing trade further with
    both countries.
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