police close on wikileaks boss assange, page-3

  1. 6,351 Posts.
    Iranian nuclear scientists are being assassinated, not hearing much about that in the press.... the Saudis (with all their oil and US connections) APPARENTLY want Iran dealt with..... the Chinese APPARENTLY are distancing themselves from the N Koreans... yet recently, they were APPARENTLY supportive of them..... the Japanese are APPARENTLY worried about the N Koreans using WMDs and N Korea building up these....

    Well, it's good to know the good old USA is prepared to use WMDs, if necessary, to reign in those who APPARENTLY have WMDs and are threatening to use them to cause terror, DESTABALIZE the World.... and it's also good to know that, despite the chaos in Iraq (that seems to be fading from the press... but hey, it's all the insurgents fault)....BUT... many Iraqis APPARENTLY now enjoy "freedom and democracy brought to them thanks to Dubya, Dick and the Banksters who charge the cost of the war to the US people, sent off the young patriots to get killed, maimed... so the good oil will be liberated from under that Iraqi soil.... and Afghanistan and..... crikey, the list goes on and on.....

    Yep, "Team America" led by the elite money men who want to cull populations, bring into line "rogue" leaders, "rescue" other big banks like Goldman Sachs, UBS (so these banks become in debt to the US Banksters behind the throne)...

    The altruistic, sacrificial giving by the banksters.... giving "aid" to countries in need of rebuilding (so they become indebted to the banksters and enyoy the wondrous swilly flavours of MacDonalds and KFC)...

    No sirry, it's only the real "baddy" rogue countries that deserve to have supplies, food, medicine cut off from them... and it is all the fault of the rogue elements.... hey, I've seen them on TV....

    Yes, as a last resort, would the good old USA resort to using underhanded means to destabilize countries economically, smack them into line with war, assassinate leaders.... Hell, well, why shouldn't the banjkster bank-rolled US war machine deal ruthlessly with those who are threat to "global security".

    Oh yes, the hard decisions.... the lesser of two evils, supporting fascist regimes in South and Central America to suppress those evil communists....

    Look, it's sometimes necessary to be murky, non-transparent, flexible with delivery of the facts when communicating to the little people about other "evil" regimes, how suppressed the people are in those countries....

    .... Oh yeah, but Assange..... he's obviously a "baddie".... Geez, if Dubya was around, he'd have him on a pack of "Wanted Dead or Alive" cards.... have him hung up good and proper like... just like that varmint, Sodom Husseiny...

    .... and lots of the US smaller banks being gobbled up, lots of poor and middle US citizens losing their homes, have seen their assets lost to those who pumpand dump in their planned boom, bust cycles... VERY much like how the JP Morgan types profited last depression...funny that (NOT).

    ... and despite the demise of the $US, the USA's huge debt that we hear about, the home foreclosures, the unemployment, SOME US Banksters are taking over this and that, "rescuing", giving aid to other struggling reserve banks, etc...

    ... but, apparently, according to Hillary, Assange and his cohorts are a risk to security... are putting lives at risk... oh yeah, what a load of absolute propaganda, US elite owned media rubbish...

    .... and Australia?... well, even on the good old ABC (APPARENTLY totally left wing), the summary on the news, yep (even interviewing the guy from the Lowy Institute...lol)... the ABC focused more on the "problems" this threat to security was etc.... shame shame shame.... don't you think it is good to hear about the US spying on the UN leader.... GOD forbid, I suppose the US doesn't want another Kofi Annan type UN leader, disagreeing with the USA invading another country ILLEGALLY..... oh no, it wasn't illegal, according to little Johnny (boasting about his swimming team doing well, riding the wake and getting a tow in the oily slipstream of some big US warship)....

    ...... and of course, the starving masses of N Korea and their crack pot leader (well, he may be, to be fair) are apparently provoking things round Korea, Japan.... and the Chinese APPARENTLY..... blah-blah...

    Most of us who see what is happening and speak out, most of us will dade away, will be dismissed as conspiracy theory nutters.... and if we gain too much momentum, well... we'll be branded as a threat to global security...

    Assange may have tapped into a bit of this and that, BUT the biggest spying network... yep, we're all being digitalized..... is probably ECHELON a US-UK internet spying set up..... APPARENTLY it is for "security" against "terrorists"... you know, a very useful high-tec tool in the "War on Terror".....

    REALITY.... Echelon has info on everyone.... Google.... Microsoft..... some are set up, others allowed to fail as the corporate "highlander" scenario is presented to us.... hey, you become the "winner", you get LOTS if dollars... then you van repay the banksters by providing "aid" to some countries somewhere..... doot-de-dooh (trumpet sound_... yep. it's the US cavalry to the rescue.

    ...."So, tell me, you seen this varmint, Assange? He's a turncoat from our rock-solid allies, the Australians, he's giving our enemies secrets.... and he's a devious one.... hell, wouldn't surprise me if he's just like some of those deviant Sodom's family members.... exploiting pretty women... anyway, if you see him, send him in, he's wanted, he's dangerous.... "

    GOD protect and look after Assange, I reckon.... he's one of the few that has some real evidence on the bankster elite's attitudes to the rest of us.....

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