wikileaks via switzerland, page-70

  1. 307 Posts.
    I find the whole wikileaks fiasco a very good illustration of the challenges of the internet full stop.
    Freedom of speech versus other rights.
    Todays society is full of people that feel like they have no power over there lives. To a great degree this is true. The rise of the PC movement, the power of minorities has lead to reverse discrimination. The concommitent rise of the nanny state. If you are not part of a minority group and thus considered "special", then the average person feels disinfranchised. This is why we are seeing the rise of alternative ways of expressing ourselves.... facebook, youtube, twitter, wikis including wikileaks.

    Authorities are being left behind, and they are scrambling to adapt existing laws to protect privacy and rights. Think cyberbullying, defamation cases in facebook, now wikileaks. No government has the time or resources to control the information on the internet, and yet we as a society want to be protected... except when we dont- see the dilemma?

    For the internet to be a useful tool we need to have some sort of way to evaluate what we are reading....
    How many HC posters would welcome their personal information being diseminated without their permission.
    What if I claimed to have "compelling information that a certain poster was a paedophile" Should I be able to do this? If not who controls it? Where is the line drawn? Wikileaks is just the latest test of our digital morality
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