Trump Asks for Cash After Assasination Attept, page-27

  1. 3,942 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 54
    You’re completely wrong, and the real issue lies with you. You’re pushing a false narrative that’s convenient for your biased worldview, completely ignoring the actual complexity of the situation. To claim that Trump "watched for three hours and did nothing" is not only factually incorrect, it’s a gross oversimplification designed to fuel outrage. He did, in fact, call for peace and told people to go home, but of course, you’ll conveniently ignore that because it doesn’t fit your agenda.And let’s get one thing straight: supporting Trump doesn’t mean endorsing every action that took place on January 6th. Your attempt to lump all his supporters together as violent insurrectionists is not only dishonest, it’s intellectually lazy. You’re the one showing a total lack of empathy by refusing to acknowledge the millions of people who have legitimate reasons for supporting him—reasons that have nothing to do with violence or chaos. Instead, you cling to this warped narrative because it’s easier than facing the fact that people can have different views from yours without being monsters. So before you accuse others of lacking empathy, maybe take a hard look in the mirror and realise it’s you who’s being wilfully blind and unwilling to engage in any kind of meaningful discourse.
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