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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 187
    @starcluster - seeing you responded: my way of acting in life has always been to rely on my own knowledge and gut instinct, but I have absolutely no tendency to distrust our elected representatives, nor the doctor of my own choosing - which I have done with care; Also: I usually am informed about any condition, before I see him, or have tests done, - I eat in a restrained fashion - never buy fast food - don't smoke, only have the occasional drink, no soft drinks, lollies etc. make sure my body and soul are in balance, (not always possible, though) - and I read other than HC - one book per week, and they are not Barbara Cartland-type books, they are informative books.

    Re our representatives: yes they suffer from personal bias, like the rest of us, yes there are probably attempts in the more powerful countries to corrupt them - but evidence of that creeps out into the news, if you care to check - we all know who they are and who to avoid.
    Prescription medication - yes I do take one tablet per day - but I monitor myself and my doctor - read up on 'stuff' and not just via U-Tube etc. -
    Back to society:
    Yes, the super-rich live in their own bubble, but also try to remain in control, but if you live in the West you have a reasonably good chance at a good life and a chance to influence government at the election box.

    What has happened in Victoria was regrettable, but much of it initially happened in badly-run and overcrowded old-people's homes, their folks not interested in the welfare of their elderly relatives - vast human failings, in fact, plus population density in a world-class city like Melbourne contributing its own risk factors.
    I live in Western Australia, and yes, we had travel restrictions - I could not be with my mortally ill daughter over in Britain - could not attend her funeral - but had to accept that fact of life. I would have been of no help whatsoever, maybe even contributed to her distress. I am at peace about that now.

    If you look at the history of pandemics in the past, this one was relatively mild, but it did affect the sick, the elderly, the morbidly overweight (who have only themselves to blame - in a simpler society many of these people would be slim, because of scarcity of food and the inability of a poorer society to pamper them!! - I did at one stage go to the trouble of checking out the list of Covid victims over in the U.S. which were published here on HC, with their photos and health history, many of the younger victims were morbidly obese.

    We live in a kind of disgusting oil slick of self-indulgence, preferring to blame others, i.e. authorities, mothers, fathers, teachers - and yes the government (or maybe even the disguised invaders from outer space eek.png) etc for what is really our own responsibility.
    Why is it so hard to take responsibility for our own lives, our own decisions???

    We also seem to live with a chronic lack of love, firstly for ourselves, then for our dearest and nearest - look at the relationships people have, look at the divorces, look at the disaffected 'children' who remain children forever . . . . something is going seriously wrong in so many places, in so many families - and it is within our personal power to change that.
    Yes, I am no exception, I am affected too, but I am prepared to accept responsibility and do something about it, every day, incrementally -
    I am not blaming outside influences, but have banished 'blame' altogether, hoping to spread and learn more about love and kindness.
    There are no major conspiracies, there is only lack of will to actually get out there and do something for yourself or for society.
    Go well

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