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    Federal MP calls for urgent suspension of vaccines following release of lab report

    Julie Sladden

    Long-standing Member of Parliament, Russell Broadbent, has written an urgent letter to the Prime Minister calling for an immediate suspension of all Covid mRNA vaccines in Australia, pending further investigation.

    The letter, counter-signed signed by a group of 26 doctors, lawyers, scientists, and academics, details the recent release of a study reporting alarming levels of synthetic DNA contamination in Australian-sourced Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines.

    The study was conducted by Canadian virologist Dr David Speicher of the University of Guelph, and the results were included in a letter to the Australian Secretary of Health, Blair Comley, on September 18, 2024.

    Dr Speicher tested three vaccine vials including two Pfizer vials (one adult, one child) and one Moderna vial, and found all to be ‘grossly and excessively’ contaminated with synthetic DNA which ‘far exceeded’ – up to 145 times – the regulatory limits set by Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

    In addition, the Pfizer vials were found to contain the SV40 promoter and enhancer sequences that have been raising concern worldwide in the scientific community.

    These results validate similar findings of excessive levels of DNA contamination, and SV40 sequences reported by several independent laboratories around the world including Germany, the US, Canada and now published in peer-reviewed literature.

    The letter to the Secretary of Health was copied to all Australian attorney generals, the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, and the Gene Technology Advisory Committee and called for the immediate withdrawal of the Covid mRNA injections based on these study results.

    The law firm PJ O’Brien & Associates commissioned the study to provide evidence in the Federal Court lawsuit Fidge v. Pfizer, Moderna which alleges the mRNA covid vaccines contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and that Pfizer and Moderna failed to obtain the necessary licenses to distribute the vaccines under the Gene Technology Act 2000.

    The case has taken a circuitous route since being filed in July 2023. It was initially dismissed based on standing by Judge Helen Rofe, on the grounds that General Practitioner and Pharmacist Dr Julian Fidge had ‘no reasonable prospect’ of success because he was not deemed to be an ‘aggrieved person’.

    Dr Fidge argues the contrary having vaccinated thousands of patients with the mRNA Covid injections and is himself vaccinated. ‘It’s hard to understand how I am not an aggrieved person, when I’ve not been able to satisfy my legal, moral, and ethical obligations to provide informed consent to all my patients that they will receive GMOs in these vaccines,’ he recently stated.

    However, the dismissal of the case on this technicality was soon overshadowed by a significant allegation. PJ O’Brien & Associates alleges that Judge Rofe failed to disclose to legal teams a significant prior relationship whereby she had previously represented Pfizer as a barrister, either directly or indirectly, on no less than five occasions.

    In Australia, a judge is required to disclose any prior dealings with one or more parties to proceedings and invite parties to make a submission on whether the judge should recuse. According to PJ O’Brien & Associates, this didn’t happen, so on March 22, 2024, they filed a complaint with Federal Court Chief Justice Debra Mortimer. In accordance with Section 72(ii) of the Constitution, the complaint was also sent to all Members and Senators of Parliament. This section of the Constitution allows a judge to be removed from their position in the instance of proven misbehaviour or incapacity. After significant delays, it has recently been reported Chief Justice Mortimer is now investigating the matter. Should the complaint be upheld, Fidge v. Pfizer, Moderna will likely be reheard from the beginning.

    Back to Dr Speicher’s report. This development marks an important point for Australia in the DNA contamination story. You may wonder why a Canadian lab is reporting on Australian vials. The reason is that, in an effort to obtain this essential evidence, PJ O’Brien & Associates were refused by no fewer than eight Australian labs, and so had to commission the work overseas. It shouldn’t be that hard.

    What of the TGA? Surely our therapeutic goods regulator would have tested batches and provided the answers to relieve concerns? In a word, no. Unfortunately, in my opinion the TGA has proved consistently evasive in providing safety testing data on Australian batches of the Covid mRNA jabs. Freedom of Information request 4558 is a stunning case in point, returning 74 pages of black ink in exchange for redacted batch testing results. When asked why, the reply advised that under Section 47 of the FOI Act, a document is exempt if it contains a trade secret or information that has commercial value.

    This begs the question, since when did the commercial interests of a pharmaceutical company trump the safety interests of Australians? It seems timely to remind ourselves the TGA is 96 per cent funded by the pharma industry.

    Dr Speicher’s report on the Covid mRNA vials is truly alarming, detecting spike protein DNA in the Pfizer batch FN0565 at ‘the highest concentration levels seen in vials independently tested globally to date’.

    It is possible to look up the tested batch numbers (Pfizer (adult) FN0565, Pfizer (child) FR4268, Moderna 21000695) on the OpenDAEN database, which is populated by data sourced from the TGA’s Database of Adverse Event Notifications and the TGA’s FOI disclosure log.

    I did just that. It turns out the vial with the highest reported spike DNA, Pfizer batch FN0565, also had the greatest number of adverse events reported out of the three on OpenDAEN – with a total of 307 adverse event reports, including 31 serious cases and one death. The seriousness of this safety signal depends on the total number of people who received the batch but is certainly worth noting and warrants further investigation. Investigation that the TGA should be doing, and says it is doing … but is it?

    That there have been serious concerns about the safety and efficacy of the Covid mRNA injections is nothing new. With over 140,000 adverse events and over 1000 deaths reported to the TGA for these injections – more than any other class of therapeutic in Australia’s history – Dr Speicher’s report adds further compelling evidence for these shots to be stopped.

    ‘This evidence demands that a full and transparent inquiry be held into the safety of these vaccines,’ says Broadbent. ‘Australians deserve answers.’

    Because the case has not yet been heard, there has been no formal reply from the vaccine manufacturers.

    Federal MP calls for urgent suspension of vaccines following release of lab report | The Spectator Australia
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