This is Why Landlords Quitting Victoria, page-120

  1. 19,690 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 56

    "even the worst of tenants still pay and if they don't, as a good investor you would have landlords insurance which will cover you against loss of income if you do get one of those feral meth lab types"

    lol so your only answer to bad tenants is we should have landlords insurance. That is a complete joke - it shouldn't be necessary to have something like landlords insurance and as with all insurance it will generally not cover the full loss.

    The only reason why you are perplexed by the debate is that you don't appreciate ng for what it is which is equal treatment of gains and losses on a per entity basis.

    The only ones that see it as an issue are the ones that have misplaced envy or have zero understanding of what it really is. Like supermarkets it is an easy kick by the left to assign blame to someone else.
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