companies to avoid which ones, page-23

  1. 2,129 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Hi SS

    I hear your frustration! You want to get the meat straight away but basically got the "vegies from around the edges" from most of the replies! They are a bit reluctant aren't they! It's interesting isn't it - this site is loaded with some strong opinions but most ran for cover from your direct question(that have read the post). That is,the ye old education cover. Yes, they are right, but I too would of thought some more ASX 'dogs' could have been "chained" to this thread. Maybe scared of being sued fellas ;)? Come on guys - let's try a bit harder and help her out OK - if it's legally possible? And there are dogs in the upper branches of the ASX tree as well aren't there? Is Reject Shop one? Some are for it - some are against it I suppose. Depends on when you put skin on the table and for how long. Look at what happened after March 2009. There's some big smiles around the place now.

    Maybe most of the guys are looking to spend their small amount of free time with more "money making" types of posts - more than looking backwards at woofers and train wrecks? History hurts. The hunter mentality wants the "caravan to move on" pretty quickly nowadays in this fast world.

    Maybe put up an email adress and you might get swamped with codes?

    BTW - I'm not doing that well with CYU.

    BTW - slipstream the poster called GUSTIE for some good insights.

    Lets see what we get now.

    Cheers and good luck in the journey SS.
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