Will Bibi act like ISIS?, page-125

  1. 18,971 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    I have no idea. To comment on the behaviour or have an opinion I would want to know exactly what was said and done by each of you and I would want perspectives from you and the other person

    everyone has a different experience of situations and it’s important to sort out facts and opinions.

    However there is a little activity you could try using your hotcopper posts as an example. This involves putting down your experience of responses to your posts, recording what others are saying about your posts. A useful step is to try to work out what others who are debating with you are seeing in your posts - not just one post but the endless repeats.

    if you want you can also try to think of what you believe about tte reasons you post and then consider how you reflect that

    lastly try stepping into the position of a neutral observer - if you can - and think about what any person new to this topic might make of what you post.

    these last three steps are hard because it requires you to step out of your own belief systems and try to understand why people might react to you in certain ways.

    if I were analysing why a public servant thought you antisemitic I would follow largely the same process.
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