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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    "forcing compliance to public health orders is the right thing to do."

    Since when has violence (state based or otherwise) ever been the 'right thing to do', but then as a good student of chairman Mao it is plain to see that you fully support the dictum "All government comes from the barrel of a gun"

    "You have no respect for the rule of law" 'Rule of law' is simply a euphemism for 'Tyranny' just because you keep saying the mantra doesn't make it any different.

    The authority principle describes the behaviour of people who live under the rule of law. The authority principle shows that people obey anything and anyone that they believe is an authority. Though the who, the why and the what have changed in history, the behaviour of people is the same; they obey.When people are taught that obedience is principle, they obey.When they are taught that the source of worth and knowledge is found in another person, rather than in themselves, they obey.This is the rule of law, and it teaches people that their will is subjective to the will of law and those who control the law.Examples of authorities are governments, bullies, mafias,thieves and kings. People obey authority in their lives either out of fear of violence, or because culture conditions them to accept obedience as proper and good. Authorities always use both tools.The most successful authorities do not have to use violence as often because of the strength of their cultures. Both culture and violence enforce authority.Under authority, people have obeyed law to the atrocities of history. The murders, raping and looting under chieftains, kings,emperors, communism and Nazis were not perpetuated by small groups of men. They were performed by thousands and even millions of peoples. These people would not have committed such egregious evils on their own. If a random person had commanded them, they would have refused. So why, at the behest of a perceived authority, do they obey?Obedience to authority is the authority principle. People will obey authority no matter what is asked of them. They obey because they have been lied to. They have been falsely taught that principle is found in law. In history, it is difficult to imagine why some cultures are so much more violently depraved than others. Authority is the reason. Cultures with the least influential authority are the most peaceful, and by definition, the most free.Cultures with the most influential authorities are the most violent, and by definition, slaves.

    Or maybe I should just repeat your ideas back to you?

    The rule of law is the single most dangerous idea ever inflicted upon mankind.It has gone by countless names throughout the ages of history.In more basic tribes it is known as respect for elders. In the tyranny of royalty, it is known as nobility, birthright and divinity. In communism it is known as the supremacy of state. In dictatorships it is known as the antidote to anarchy. In theocracies it is known as revelation.The net teaching of this idea is that you are to obey the law,not because of its merits or its morality. You are to obey only because it is the law. It is assumed that even if the law is wrong,then it is right to follow because it supports the system, and the system is more important than you.In order for an intelligent person to choose what is right, they must know who is asking obedience of them, they must consider why it is being asked, and what it is they are being asked to dnly then can they decide for themselves if it is right. This is not what authority wants. Authority is not concerned with you doing what is right, it is only concerned with obedience.

    Law is a weapon. It is used by evil to attack its prey. Whether in the name of duty to king, loyalty to state, or rule of law, law is the weapon used to extort and control. Culture upholds the nobility of law. Culture teaches that law is proper and good. It never questions who wrote the law; tyrant and brother are the same. Culture never questions whether or not the law is right.You are to obey no matter what it says. In this fashion, law is a powerful weapon to be used against you. All principalities create volumes of laws that take lifetimes to understand and armies of lawyers to manipulate. All of these things are weapons in the hands of the powerful, which they will use at your expense.

    Law holds value only to those who create it, and only because your culture demands that you obey it. The purest invitation to tyranny is your commitment to obey law regardless of what it says. Against you, the law becomes the perfect weapon.Whomever controls the law, controls you. Your worth is measured by the extent of your obedience.

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