Is Jesus God?, page-1201

  1. 3,611 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 547
    Let this sink in

    Of course the Rc isnt going to sit idle and not have a comeback to their detractors.

    But this isnt the discussion on this forum.

    Instead of being an apologist for Rome.

    Why dont you address the post you dodged and said i know all that.

    Which means you didnt read it.

    Or you didnt understand it,we both know which one of the two it most probably is.

    The post was the bible is to be the final word on what denotes what christianity and its teachings.

    Point being,if someone or something or an entity changes what has been laid out from Jesus to his disciples and written down and agreed too,and the cannon of the scripture is to be the rule of faith.

    Instead of jumping up and down and calling people names and wasting everyones time,counter the evidence without emotion opinion and "the church fathers" or arguments like that.

    Give us timelines and reasons for change and bible for the following

    Sunday was changed from saturday to sunday by the Roman church,and admits it and that its outside of what the scriptures teach,and if protestants accept this,they accept the ecclesiastical authority of the church,because its not solar scriptura

    The Roman question.

    What other doctrines did they change and admit too openly?
    The trinity,this isnt hidden under a rock Ppm,starcluster,rcman.

    Veneration of the saints
    Baptism by sprinkling
    Penal substitution

    On and on,i could post more beliefs outside of what the bible teaches as Christian teaching in the bible.

    Now,these questions are fair and reasonable to ask,its not "Anti" anything.

    Its asking the question,by who s authority are these changes made?

    Because they are not in scripture.

    So should people bring this to peoples attention?

    Did Jesus and the disciples challenge the orthodox teachings of the time and cop flack from the faithful?

    Didnt Jesus say,as in the days of Noah?

    These things are never comfortable and Jesus said i come to send a sword

    It divides,no doubt.

    Truth always will,but why not bring the issues up?

    Challenge mainstream orthodoxy was wrong in Noahs day,all the way through up to christ and beyond,yet we are being told now on the forum,that orthodox opinion in our day is correct!

    Wow first time in history and opposite to what the bible says.

    Orthoxy is correct for the first time in history!

    Interesting thought.

    Is Rome Gods church on earth like it says it is?

    Evidence says no

    Last edited by angusmcfangledang: Today, 10:48
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