resign if you have any self respect left, page-19

  1. 7,247 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I don't like to criticise without offering an alternative, so what woudl i do if I was PM?


    Call the Navy Cief on the phone and ask him what happened.

    Then tell the people, us, exactly what happened. Its as simple as that, and the people would move on, confident that everything that could have been done was done, satisified.

    Then tomorrow morning I would hop on a helicopter and land in all major inland centres, talking to the civic leaders, reassuring them that the Government was there to help them through the flood loss disaster (!)

    The result of this would be amazing because, - and every person in business knows this, - if the boss or leader is getting his hands dirty, the indians hop to it as well.
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