are climate change deniers naturally gullible?, page-139

  1. 20,020 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 870
    Lucky we have you to crunch the numbers for us GG, LOL!

    Your post is totally devoid of any logic that I can find. I really don't think the lack of water vapour explains why you might get a 50 degree day in a desert. Doesn't your argument suggest that there would be less heat trapped due to zero water vapour, so it should be cooler than otherwise?

    Its not all about what is the strongest greenhosue gas, because as I have pointed out, humans have little or no effect on the wmount of water vapour in the atmosphere and bsically water vapour consntration is a function of temperature (and location, naturally).

    On the other hand, man-made greenhouse gases are accumulating and it's like adding an extra woolly jumper to the atmosphere every year or so - woolly jumpers that we are unable to remove!

    I don't understand why people don't get it and simply refuse to see. Must be their investments in coal, oil and gas or maybe a bad case of affluenza, I have no other explanation.
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