daytrades jan 5 afternoon, page-62

  1. 12,503 Posts.

    smart money got set from 5c

    in anticipation to Ian Middlemas's magic acquisition

    the big move today suggests a new porject is close

    but I think caution is warranted

    a project acquisition alone is not enough to justify the move from 5c to almost 20c

    what they are doing with the project after is what matters

    CPL & EQX didnt make their explosive moves on project acquisition ann

    the subsequent project development did

    so those hoping to make big bucks on PSF's much anticipated acquisition ann may need to reassess their risk position

    has the news been already factored in current sp?

    If so

    I would sell on news & come back when a clear path to develop the project has been determined

    just my opinion

    disclosuure: holding small amount of 5c PSF + some 3c PSFO

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