about co2 levels in the air..., page-62

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    reduced bio-diversity due to species extinction

    Pure conjecture on your part. You are making an assumption based on an assumption

    - reduced crop yields

    We've covered this. You weren't listening. Increased CO2 increases both yield and drought resistance of crops

    - melting and retreating glaciers affecting the clean water supply for billions of people

    It has not been proven that the increase in CO2 is causing glaciers to recede. We have been told this by the CRU and IPCC but they are unreliable to sceptics.

    - reduced Greenland and polar ice cap extents, increasing sea levels

    Do you mean sea ice? Melting sea ice does not cause rising sea levels. There has virtually NO rise in sea level in the last 20 years and we have shown this dozens of times. You still pedal the Al Gore version though.

    - increased sea levels due to oceanic thermal expansion

    Only a thin layer on the surface of the ocean has convection currents so only this thin layer could possibly heat up due to atmospheric conditions.

    - increased ocean acidification due to raised CO2 levels

    If the oceans are warming, they give off CO2. This would lower acidity. In fact, the oceans warming precede the rising CO2 which indicates that most of the increase in atmospheric CO2 comes from the warming oceans and lags by 200 years

    - more extreme weather events
    - more droughts in some areas
    - more floods in other areas

    Alarmists have had 0% success in predicting where/when any of this has occurred in the past. All they can say is "I told you so!" whenever SOMETHING happen.

    - plus if we pass a tipping point, then the above could be accelerated with us having no control

    Theory. Others say any effect slows with increasing percentages. Pick your expert.

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