"don't patronise me, primeminister", page-127

  1. 5,919 Posts.
    To all, please disregard what I have said so far on the topic of the levy.

    It has come to my notice that the Qld government has opposed the introduction of a super tax on its mining industry. This policy/attitude is a state centred one. That is Qld has said stuff you if you live on the other side of our fence. We don?t give two hoots in hell about the deleterious effects that the enormous profits flowing to the resource rich states and resource companies are going to have on the rest of our non-Qld Australians. We won?t be concerned about interest rates going through the roof. Unemployment in the double digits! Who gives stuff we?ll be okay. We will look the other way when outsiders are losing their homes and livelihoods. Qld is all that matters. Commonwealth be damned. This attitude is clearly unacceptable. Thank god that Qld is not the all. Thank god that the rest of Australia, with the exception of WA of course, has a conscience.
    Clearly this self centred attitude is not at one with the Australian way of life; not in accord with the interest of the ?good old Aussie fair go?. It is time to say to the rednecks north of the border enough is enough! If you want to keep your riches to yourself then go fix your flood damaged infrastructure yourself.
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