IPR 0.00% 4.1¢ ipernica limited

show me the money, page-6

  1. 1,126 Posts.
    Good evening tcf,

    re your comments above: the operational costs of nearmap over the past couple of months for "free advertising" are minimal and since you seem to have held prior to the acquisition of Nearmap, you should be aware of the money spent to see bigger things. eg. money spent on IP cases with no guaranteed return.

    Nearmap's PhotoMapping is far more advanced than google's. I remember when there used to be Yahoo and then AltaVista and then Google and now there is Bing. Why cant Nearmap be the world's predominate mapping tool?

    I agree that 8.8c is dismal. It seems that people underestimate Nearmap's potential. Hopefully as it becomes more popular there will be some major contracts won and we can begin to realise some substantial revenue.

    From page 12 and 13 of the 2010 annual report; it is said that there is potential of around $56mil in Australian government contracts alone. I agree with your query on where they are taking us and I relate this to my misunderstanding of how they calculate these 'untapped' values of around $41mil.

    I think if they can communicate the workings behind these values then it will create higher shareholder confidence.

    Simon Crowther as CEO in my opinion is capable of putting nearmap in front of Google for mapping use. Here is a link to his blog which is updated daily. Although there isn't information that would have a direct effect on the SP, it at least gives an insight into what he is wanting to achieve. imo, buy now for the long term.


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