miranda divine on the abbott story, page-29

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Have you never heard on the iceage?

    The earth goes through natural heating and cooling cycles.

    If you look up into the sky one day, there is a big yellow/white circle up there. (Dont look at it for too long as it will damage your eyes)

    That is the primary heat source for the earth and it is called the sun.

    Earth rotates around the sun and the orbit has some periodic variation to is so that the distance of the earth from the sun changes. (you can investigate the reasons for this yourself)

    Also, the sun has a cycle of variations in energy output that are often seen to be related to sunspot activity.

    Also the sun puts out what is called a solar wind that varies in intensity and varies with intensity at the earth due to natural variations of the earths magnetic field and distance of the earth from the sun.

    All of these things, plus the moons orbit around the earth and many other variables, cause variations in the amount of energy the earth received and this the overall temperature.

    It is generally shown that significant CO2 changes are a result of the heating/cooling of the earth with approx 800 year lag, not the other way around.

    These colluding climate "scientists" seem to have confused cause and effect to push their political global warming agenda. Real scientists could possible make such a mistake but would generally acknowledge and correct the error immediately as soon as it is noticed.
    That they don't correct this basic error does indicate some funny business going on

    A few hours of research and an open mind will turn up much much more that this 20 second outline...

    As I said, the collapsed and dis-credited global warming scam is done but I would expect that the scammers will try to resurect it again to try to collect their payoff, may from this generation of youngsters or the next.

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