julia tries out for shakespearean tragedy, page-137

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    "So Julia shows compassion for the victims and shes made out to be worse than tony abbott who says shit happens about a soldier death?"

    There has already been too much mis-reporting about this incident, and there are a lot of armchair experts who were never there.

    Abbott made his comment in the context of "Soldiers" plural - discussing (with top military brass, including Americans) misgivings amongst some of our troops that this death may have been avoidable, following an offical complaint from one of the deceased soldier's friends to authorities that during that particular battle there had been a lack of fire power and general support the day of his mate's death, which could have prevented it had it been stronger, in that man's opinion.

    This discussion had nothing to do with the soldier sadly killed! Despite Channel 7 being even more despicable (than employing mark Riley), by changing it is alleged) the word "soldiers" in their on-line transcript to "soldier" singular. That they all spent three months gathering this tripe, plus the timing of it just after Four Corners on Julia, and her tears speech in PArliament the same day, is a joke. (Well, the joke is on Channel 7's paymaster - who had to foot the bill for all this "espionage!")

    This was someone's concerted plot to "get' Abbott - and I'm sure, whoever it is, they are beavering away in their little dark holes now trying to "get" something else on him.

    And, BTW, every woman I know (and women are far more perceptive than men at picking other women phonies) says that they thought Julia was faking tears. In their opinion, she WAS emotional, but about herself and her own increasingly shaky position.

    Some less scrupulous women have been using tears for infinity throughout history to manipulate men and situations. Repeat - saw no tears from JG for the 173 Black Saturday victims! Or the 2000 lost homes. Not a drop!
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