ARU 2.17% 11.8¢ arafura rare earths ltd

Ann: Significant price increase for Nolans Rare E, page-4

  1. 312 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 31
    re: Ann: Significant price increase for Nolan... It's always interesting to see the basket price valuation for the moment, but the Nolan's 'basket' also contains Uranium, phosphate and gypsum- i often wonder why ARU don't report this to the market. It is a most important part of the economics of this project and will go a long way toward operating costs. The revenues from these by-products alone with out the REE will still add up to over $125m annually. Hardly chicken feed.
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Mkt cap ! $295.7M
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11.5¢ 12.0¢ 11.5¢ $75.38K 638.4K

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60 3473813 11.5¢

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12.0¢ 1293805 46
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Last trade - 14.03pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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