wivenhoe dam created the most flood damage

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    a damning article...(pardon the pun)
    the total mismanagement of Wivenhoe Dam created the most flood damage in Brissy
    there are a lot of people, we can point the stick at....who should have known better, who should have realised the truth, who should have recognised the warning patterns....
    and behind the biggest problem at Wivenhoe was the global warming preachers....those same individuals, who sreeched and screamed, with the constant ramping of their erronous messages....so much so, that those in charge and involved with Wivenhoe, could not see the woods for the trees...

    When the weather pattern changed from drought to La Nina, and the rains started falling back in August, no one noticed, or heeded natures warning that things had changed dramatically....from a drought to a major rain event...
    They allowed the dam to fill up to such danagerous levels, that in the end, it was the opening of the dam flood gates that flooded the city.....
    the dam had been allowed to fill up, because those in charge were convinced we would never have rain again....not ever.. due to global warming....

    how ridiculous....all that damage, all those lives lost...the huge financial burden......all due to, a malicious erronous idea.....
    like a snake oil salesman.....

    there are many people holding office, that should have known better....than to listen to the scammers....
    here is a more informed view......
    note Bligh is not allowing the victims to have their say....and the implication of kevin rudd behind it...

    all those kudos' we gave bligh, will be gone when the truth comes out...

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