re: Ann: Galaxy Ships First Spodumene from Mt...
Once the ramp up to planned throughput is complete, Snowden would expect total operating costs at Mt Cattlin to be an average of A$43-45 per tonne treated (US$35-37 per tonne treated) over the life of mine, comprising: � Mining A$20-21 / tonne treated (US$16-17 / tonne treated) � Processing A$14-15 / tonne treated (US$11-12 / tonne treated) � Transport A$5-6 / tonne treated (US$4-5 / tonne treated) � Site administration and other A$4 / tonne treated (US$3 / tonne treated) Operating costs in this section have been translated at average foreign exchange rates of A$1.00 to US$0.8056 over the life of the mine at the Mt Cattlin Project, which are in turn based on the current foreign exchange forward curve for the same period.