trigger happy cowards kill italia hero man, page-9

  1. 4,217 Posts.
    From a BBC interview with "Fibber" Sgrena:

    Tell us about the car journey you shared with him.

    We were on our way to the airport when the "TANKS "started to strike against us and he tried to cover me and he was shot. He died and, me, I was safe but he was dead.

    From the Guardian, another Voice of Truth .must be true, .you know that BJ:

    Sgrena told colleagues the vehicle was not travelling fast and had already passed several checkpoints on its way to the airport. The Americans shone a flashlight at the car and then fired between "300 and 400 bullets" at if from an armoured vehicle. Rather than calling immediately for assistance for the wounded Italians, the soldiers’ first move was to confiscate their weapons and mobile phones and they were prevented from resuming contact with Rome for more than an hour.

    but wait theres more:

    Italian communist Giuliana Sgrena’s editor said her car was hit by 300 to 400 bullets from an armored vehicle. She said she was picking up handfuls of spent rounds from the seats. Many accounts described her car as “riddled with bullets.”

    lol..... this old Red throwback couldnt lie straight in bed.

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