combet's speech: more labot lies, page-47

  1. 11,316 Posts.
    I don't believe in man made climate change, i think it is a con, as is the carbon tax.

    Worlds temperatures are never stable, they are either on the increase or decline and if you can feel the difference year after year well then you are better than the average bear!

    I agree with you ACE.T/U

    Don't we have 4 climate changes a year.
    Summer,Autumn,winter and spring. We have temperature changes of more than two degrees every day. So big deal, Al Gore, chief priest and his apprentices Rudd, Gillard and Co.will extract billions of dollars to if they could,lower the world temperature 2 degrees. Big deal. Would that be an even two degrees or would it 1.5 in Australia and 2.5 in China?
    That was a silly question,they wouldn't know.


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