why do women want to be men?, page-126

  1. 576 Posts.
    Thanks eagle & DDZX, for your views that sum up mine, sadly i cannot participate anymore as i have been ignored by all on the thread, the reason i disagreed & they had nothing, feel free to call me what you want ignorers behind your ignore button, by using the ignore buttton you failed

    (ddzx thanks for quoting me & getting the points back into debate)
    Chrysalis "Regarding combat roles in the military,I would question the common sense of the politicians who are pushing this agenda,or is it that they are such mind controls,that they fail to consider that women once captured by enemy combatants will almost invariably end up being savagely pack raped and killed.Have they not considered that women lack the necessary physical strength,or that they would be required to take hormones to prevent menses for extensive periods of time with potential risks to their health and fertility.War today is "dirtier" than ever it has been,so what sane woman would actually want to fight in combat,unless this is the only means she can see to earn a living."

    MEN captured by the enemy are often subjected to worse whats your point rape is worse for woman

    Chrysalis"The US experience has been a disaster with 30% of women who fought in Iraq having been raped by their own side."

    LINk to that FACT would be great

    Linebacker11 "Asian girl - always dressed tidy, takes care of her appearence, slim and only eats good and so stays that way, shiny hair because she looks after it, softly spoken and polite. Thats a lady. Happy attitude." "Women in the west have lost that "magic" that a women has to a man, that stirs a man deep inside. Sad"

    Sad for you champ not for the rest of OZ.

    GEES this thread throws up more wacko's than a religion thread
    Even a mod poyndexter says "Those women wont be effective imo if they aspire to be men."

    Please poyndexter explain how they are trying to be men as someone who put my views forward & no one questioned just went the primary school name calling how are women trying to be men??????????????????
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