XJO 0.41% 8,528.7 s&p/asx 200

anyone see a massive correction coming

  1. 992 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    I give it 4 weeks.
    worlds gone mad.
    its on the brink.
    Emotion charged cognitive dissonance will sweep the financial globe witin 2 weeks.
    Bottom mid May.
    This based on me sitting, reading and digesting way too much technical data to tabulate here.
    But in particular Chinese figures are dubious esp inflation and savings. Several European countries in default. Oil will have massive oscillations.
    I'm cashing up. Take care.
    I've stopped coming here much but thought I'd share as I have benefited from my experience here over the decades.
    Bye. Diss away at this pathetic post. Put me on ignore. But remmember me in 4 weeks. xx
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