CCC continental coal limited

ccc is like a boat!, page-3

  1. 2,923 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 55

    this is a bit misleading as it lacks context

    BTU appeared with a bang as it forged into life as a coal producer in the US, the strategy flopped and it sank well into the doldrums only to be resurrected as a NZ coking coal; possible future producer. The point being that the trajectory of it SP has almost entirely in one direction (up) over the last 15 months or so as it reinvented itself.

    CCC has too gone through it own transformation, but its SP has languished since that transformation has taken place, some thing else is amiss here and if you could put your finger on it you'll make a million.

    Simplistic graph comparisons are not helpful. They are not in the same market. CCC's coal is today selling for approx $120 p/t, and thermal coal projects are comparitively common. BTU's high grade premium coking coal would (if they were producing) be selling for $320 p/t, but more importantly coking coal of this quality is very rare (low ash, high fluidity)

    Of course in some sort of extreme technical analysis your comparison may be of value, but people out there in HC land should not hang their hat on this (at least in my mind)false hope.


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Currently unlisted public company.

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