osama bin laden captured alive then executed, page-2

  1. 17,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 57

    He was shot in the chest and in the head.

    Now you don't blow someone's brains out and then shoot them in the chest, so obviously the other way round. Sounds like assassination to me.

    Regardless of what the President might have said, it was obviously conveyed to operational forces that he was not to be captured alive regardless.

    That might have been the politically cleanest action, but by any form of international law was illegal or even criminal.

    I find it hard to understand as life behind bars seems a more humiliating result than dying just as he wanted.

    But the US has always scorned internation law and opinion because they are God's "special" people.

    Anyway now Bin Laden is gone, I hope they track down and assassinate those terrorists who wiped out the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Perhaps those responsible for Dresden as well.
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