australia--what else don't we know , page-11

  1. 87,983 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    couldn't agree more with this "We really need a system tracing the origins of our food eg which exact farm it is grow on. I would be very happy to know which waterways are feeding each crop I am eating."

    Seems like common sense to me - the yanks can trace a lot of their food. We can trace a lot of other products in the line of manufacture --------- why the hell don't we trace the most basic of all


    I have watched dodgy food practices for years and wondered why there isn't outcry about some of them.

    Eg. Potatoes - very common practice to spray them with roundup to kill them to get them to market at the right time.
    This was done in NSW when I lived there years back and it is done here in tassie where I live now..

    I read the roundup product papers - it says "kills right down to the root"

    Well guess what a potato root is? tomorrow's chip.

    It seems that widespread and common that surely it must be legal - buggered if I know how though.

    have a great day

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