multi nic warning/request, page-82

  1. 36 Posts.
    re: an important matter hello All,

    I wish to make what I hope all readers will acknowledge as sensible, logical AND sincere statements. This a spur of the moment posting decision based on the contention shown throughout this thread. If I am posting past my authority I am sure that HC Admin will admonish and then guide me.
    For the record, I am known as metaphor and I am a recently appointed moderator, as is Gerry Stolwyk. I assure you that Gerry and I are two different persons and you may get some verification of this from our IP address. For the record, my IP is Bigpond based.

    Many of you have had quite a free range with your activities on HC in the past by use of multiple nics and abusng each other . There is no sense in witch-hunting the reasons why this occurred or as to whom the pepretrators may have been as it is counterproductive to the future of this site. What I ask you to undertsand is that this site is a FREE site and as many of you acknowlege, it is also the best internet investing forum in the country for the amount of knowledge that is available and posted for the benefit of the HC community at large.

    As a free user, I think that some of you are overstepping your mark in requiring HC to justify it's management decisions as you do not pay for this service. I own, manage and work in my own business and in no way am I associated with "The Financial Arena or its' affiliates apart from now being a voluntary moderator and believe I have the credentials, business acumen and ethical standards to make these statements. Also as a guest on HC, I have silently observed the forum for several years and note that even some of the current users have in the past claimed to own and operate businesses. If this is so I am disappointed at their behaviour as some of these same people are perpetrators of abusing the TOU (terms of use)

    As moderators, Gerry and I, along with HC Admin have only the best intentions for this forum. It is not a power trip as some have suggested. We do this voluntarily without remuneration or favour and we do it because we believe in the value of this site to serious investors of all statures. I ask you to understand that from my own personal viewpoint, some of the activities that have occured on HC could easily incur the wrath of the Australian Investment and Securities Commission. I make that statement based on my knowledge of Common Law principles and what I know of the powers of ASIC gained over thirty years as a business owner and investor.

    No-one is trying to stop any HC members having occasional fun, gosh it helps to break the day, especially when the market is slow, but too many, too often, overstep the mark.
    As for we moderators doing our job, we do it with the best of intentions. That does not mean we are perfect and while we try to "err" on the side of caution, we are human and may not get it right every time or please everyone. If any of you readers have been in positions which carry responsibility, I am certain you will undertsand that principle and I ask you to support HotCopper Management in it's efforts to make this forum more appealing to the investing community at large.

    In regard to the isue of mutiple usernames by any one individual, I can assure you that if HC Admin contact you about using multiple nics, they do it with absolute certainty. Several of these threads in recent days have stated or alluded to the fact that every packet of data that the server that sends your data out contains your Ip address, and the IT technicians can easily determine the server where the transmission originates, so if your one whom uses muliple nics, accept the fact that you have been found out. As Admin has stated, they only post multiple-nic warnings in situations where the given e-mail address for that user is no langer valid and hence from HC's viewpoint that user can only be notified via the forum.

    I'll close by quoting "Robertgo" from post # 100435 in this thread:
    " just take it on the chin and get over it"


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