my prediction 26/5/2011, page-50

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Dear Scitty -

    Yes, the world has changed since I've whizzed around it a few times - and it's hard to get a real feel of international financials when you're down in the depths of Zamboanga - or wandering Rome, or gaping at the wonders of Egypt. (No, not rich, just ambitiously poor). Looking at the upraors going on now - Australia is a haven. But let's conserve that haven. It is our haven. But we are not averse to inviting in some welcome "guests" - people who will support us and our country, and live by our shoulders.
    (And not in ghettos).

    AUSTRALIA "blessed" - YES, IN SO MANY WAYS. But not in having a Government run by serious imcompetents, and an arrogant, non-listening PM (a word that the Left always like to bandy around ad infinitum about Rightist politicians, espeically Howard and Costello (remember the "smirk" sneer dished out to Costello), is NOT my idea of a blessed country. Luckily, three years go by fast!

    We are only 20 odd millions - we need strength and integrity and skills from those representing us in what is, I agree, a world largely gone mad, in one way or another.
    We do not need leftist or Communistic ideology shoved down our throats, supported by a grand lie.

    Terrorism I see as our world's absolute and greatest threat - yet we have opened up our front doors to the door knockers, and, without even insisting on seeing ther ID card, we naively invite them into our homes, hope they'll respect us, men, women, and children, (a terrible risk whomever the stranger is), are naive enough to take them at face value, and sit them down to our hospitalty.

    We are being asked to take every person clamoring at our doors (and burning down the detention centres), at face value. How immensely dangerous is this. when Howard was outed, there were only 4 (four) people in detention at that stage. No there are thousands - and are we to take the (perhaps) criminal dregs of those Malaysia rejects?

    Yet another massive stuff-up of Gillard and Co!
    The bloke yesterday put it describing the Hick's Sydney writer's Festival sycophants -applauders - they are up the (backside) of such people, who care nothing for them or their lives and who would see them dead.

    Of course I generalise - and very unfairly with regard to some poor genuine souls seeking solace and a new life for their kids, no doubt But the most deserving are being swept aside, like the fit who rush the buffet tables as if it's their last meal, leaving others more polite and less greedy to wait and eat later.

    These poor unfortunates, with no money, and no hope, are the people I feel desperately sorry for. For they'll rot in the camps, not being up to the rigors of the stampede.

    But I would stipulate that unless solid ID's can be produced, and also with regard to any family left behind (who are to come later), their application will be refused, except in exceptional circumstance warranting further investigation.

    Anyone who has the nous, the sophistication, the contacts, and the money, to get in and out of four or more borders to arrive here by choice, with family to follow, is NOT a poor, downtrodden, illiterate, impoverished, frightened,
    true refugee.

    Bleeding hearts want them to be allowed to enter front doors without question - yes, right into our homes.

    But would these same bleeding hearts trust these people fully enough to allow them to mix, immediately, with their husbands, wives, and kids - unknown and unquestioned?

    Australia will survive the Gillard Government. As they say, "this too will pass!"

    Let us only hope it's replacement is good at fixing all sorts of fences. Before they start on re-building the house.

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