gyro et al will want this guy deported lol, page-4

  1. 2,452 Posts.
    G. Megalogenis, and every other "Megalogenis", CANNOT be deported for the simple reason he was born in Australia and therefore is an Australian citizen by birth...He can write, say , do, whatever he likes.....No one can even remotely contemplate removing him from Australia......
    Most of his writings makes sense...Sometimes though he writes before he thinks.....

    ***** Now...Can you please remind me of Keating's "huge" budget surpluses??? The figure escapes me (as it did to good old Georgie Boy...) right now......
    PS. In every government, every country, there are TWO FIGURES that count, that need to be taken always into consideration prior to judging the economy of that country.....
    A) Current Account figure.
    B)Government's Annual Budget figure.
    Now......Monsieur Gewrgios, placed emphasis (almost entirely) on the Current Account figure (huge deficit, indeed).....
    Conviniently he ignored the other figure...The equally HUGE Government Budget Surplus we have had during Howard's years....It's rumored this year we will have a record ($10bil+) Budget Surplus..........
    From time to time it's only fair to give kudos and credit where they are due.....
    Don't you agree Robo ...Boy?????
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