coalition has largest polling lead in history, page-4

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    very good news for Liberals.

    BUT -

    asking the public questions re. their opinion on yes or no re. climate change/tax issues is dubious, and bound to elecit confusions, and skewed ooinion. Not to be insulting, but what would the general public know about such complex issues? And how then can they give a meaningful opinion.

    For this is into the realms of ALbert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and leading astrophysicists and climatologists and atmospheric scientests, etc.

    Almost everyone has a Stephen Hawking, or Einstein book, or similar, on their shelves - but who of us has progressed beyond page eight or so? Unless this is their field of study. The mind is willing, but the brain can't cope. These concepts are extremely difficult.

    Sadly, for us, we have a Government who think that THEY do have all the answers in ALL these fields, and have no qualms about taking the advice of, in the main, an economist, and a paelientologist, neither of whom have qualifications in the reloevant sphere of science. It's just a joke! (Reminder of Al Gore).

    Any scientist they can dredge up who agrees with their mad theories is quoted to us ad nauseum.

    Any other top, suitably qualified, and experienced scientist who's work is actually directly related to the
    disciplines which give them some claim to be qualified enough to be able to offer comment on their views of GW, and who is world recognised and lauded as being objective, and huble enough to admit relevant difficulties in their field of expertise, and error possibilties, are discounted, and worse, laughed at and reviled, if their opinion does NOT agree with that of MS. Gillard and Co, to the advancement of their grotesque Tax plan..

    Asking the public to comment on matters so complex - and so
    subjectively being used currently for cynical political propaganda agendas, is entirely worthless.

    With respect, some voters are so incapable that they can hardly fill in a voting slip. Or don't even bother to. Let alone weigh and discuss such issues as the universe - and climate changes which have been happening as a matter of course over millions of years.

    In the Dark Ages - the earth was flat. Anyone dissenting was scorned and laughed at. It was the accepted "science".

    An open mind is an intelligent mind. Having one would at least contribute somewhat to some sort of worthwhile discussion and fairly balanced debate. But no, Side 2's opinion is banned! Ms. Gillard knows best, kiddies.

    So she will inflict this tax, come hell or high water. And then she wants us to "love" her?

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