STB 0.00% 40.0¢ south boulder mines ltd

stb share price action, page-91

  1. 127 Posts.
    Funny, just sent an email half way through the day saying watch everyone blame sov risk now, there is a spat but sov risk, unquantifiable as it is, has not really changed at all .... instead I still think it is just short term buyers continue to lose patience and get out and price is now spooking some others ... 600k+ volume shows that there actually is some support I think, 8% down is not too monstrous given historical volatility. But price won't go up without committed buyers ... so who is going to buy? Big hitters would rather see it smashed first ... when will the insiders buy again or are some of them selling now? The more it falls without reason the better the takeover chances but still would expect to see rally before an announcement. Then again there could be something really, really wrong ... anyone remember GME (? think it was gme at least) and the geologist that 'fell' out of the helicopter?

    Never buy at the bottom and always sell too soon - but DYOR etc - so ST Sell sentiments remains.
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