democracy by another name:leviticus!, page-18

  1. 4,271 Posts.
    re: re:gyro: democracy by another name:leviticus! you've converted me, gyro! I now see the light! I'm seeing my Mullah tomorrow. Because, if ever I end up like that black man, I want my jury to walk into that jury room and start arguing about what the different passages of the Koran say about me before they deliver their verdict. I want to bless the jury members and hope that they don't make a mistake, lest Allah punishes them -poor things they could be stressing out so desperately about their own souls that they just might forget that they're in there to judge me.

    And I'd want to make sure that they are not some infidel Christians or Jews or (spit, spit, vomit, vomit) atheists who enter the jury room but some good, solidly devoted muslims who think that the eye-for-an-eye rule is to bring about Justice, not vengeance. (I'll forget all about the great industry of monacles our country has going for its self) and that the spilling of blood means only that you must now marry the man's gorgeous blonde -rather than to avenge someone's death with more death! I want those jury members to be thinking of the suffering of Mohammed and his people as they walk into the court room and to look into my eyes to judge my innocence, rather than to listen to the facts (which may disturb their equinimity and the signals sent by Allah during my hearing!)

    I'll also move into a town where everyone of its citizens participates in all the prayers and rituals of our mosque and is a loudly proclaimed muslim...

    Thank you! Oh, thank you gyro! You are my light!
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