USS Liberty (FallGuy, Snooker et al), page-3

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    This contoversial work might make it easier to undertstand why Israel must rely on it's army and Mossad. It's "allies" have their own agendas which when it suits them, mirrors Israel's policies, however when it does not, their clandestine operations invites the Mossad to be alert and on it's toes, the whole time.

    If what is written in the book is true, then the subsequent "whitewash by the US administration makes sense. The last thing the US needed was for the world to home ion on this enormous double cross for the sake of oil.

    And if that was the case, knowing full well that all ships had been warned off, then then attack on the Liberty if it was deliberate and again I stress assuming the authors have it right, I myself would have given the same order to attack and every resulting death would have been the result of US perfidy.

    This was not a game of Monopoly that Israel was in. It was a fight for it's life.The US knew the risks, the captain knew the risks. If the authors have it right, the US paid the price.

    Hopefully they won't do it again to any of their allies, including Australia.

    As I posted recently, bloody politics.

    A hugely controversial work, The Secret War Against the Jews uses thousands of previously top-secret documents and interviews with hundreds of current and former spies to present a compelling narrative claiming that many Western countries--who profess to be allies--have willfully spied on Israel over many decades in order to obtain oil from Arab countries. --This text refers to the paperback edition of this title

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