not reilgious now?

  1. 29,491 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 33
    The coming census in Australia is an important chance to make sure your interests are met in decision making and funding, and that views you don't hold are not over-represented in the coming years. As the next Australian Census approaches (9 August 2011), the Atheist Foundation of Australia (AFA) is preparing for one of its biggest and most important projects. The AFA is campaigning to encourage individuals and families to think about the importance and impact of their answer to this leading Census question: "What is the person's religion?"

    The AFA will be unveiling billboards across the nation in major cities stating "Census 2011: Not religious now? Mark 'No religion' and take religion out of politics." It is time the Australian community questioned whether they hold religious beliefs or not. How they answer this question in the Census will influence decisions by Australian governments. Often the transfer of taxpayer money to religious organisations is justified on the basis of the Census results, as are special concessions and exemptions including the right to discriminate against some groups. The figures for Christian respondents in the New Zealand Census this year are expected to fall below the 50 percent mark, and good on them, but it should be us.

    Various questions tell you if your 'really' religious or not.

    ie. Should I answer "Christian" if I don't accept the Nicene Creed?

    NO. no one should consider themselves Christian if they do not accept the basic tenets of the Nicene Creed.

    So I should be honest?
    No one has ever gone to hell for being honest :)

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