damaging the earth to feed its people, page-27

  1. 1,484 Posts.
    Agreed Yellow Cake
    Not that I have totally got my head around it. None of these issues are simple.

    Bio-diversity is good - clever cycling and re-cylcling of resources within systems is good. Working with Natural systems and gene pool is good.
    But requires effort, changing of mindset for many and different resource allocation.

    Anything else will end badly

    Increasing price of food and the elements needed to produce food, will if nothing else - bring a lot more attention and money to this sector.
    Unfortunately many people have far too much faith in scientists, big companies, "green revolution" university programs and governments.

    Many other people are sick (literally) of eating de-natured, chemical infected, steroid rich, inhumanely, produced plastic wrapped crap. This is driving lots of average blokes and sheila's back to the back yard. Gardening has come a long way.

    Their are some absolutely great people doing some amazingly simple things already, so far mostly on small scale production.

    If you would like to be inspired - check out Australian produced Aquaponics magazine. or do a utube search for "greening the desert" or food forrest with Geoff Lawton.

    We have a lot of avenues to explore before handing Monsato the greatest monopoly opportunity in the history of mankind.

    seams that hunger for money is still a greater force for change than the hunger of the people - that also is not sustainable..

    ok todays rant is over....
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